The Pent: Top Daily Must-Read Headlines

Thursday, August 10, 2006

AL GORE can talk the talk, then the rest is just too hard

Wow, this one is a classic. Al Gore gets all sorts of his publicity for his doomsday movie that we've all heard about, but who's actually seen it. . . . Well, I found it and watched it and he takes a few inches of the ocean rising or dropping, and sees the end of the world. Of course, then AL goes back to his everyday life, bullish on his huge oil holdings, decides which enormous house to stay in for the weekend, and doesn't even pay the extra couple bucks to use eco-friendly electric energy. I don't either, but then again, I didn't call out everyone else to radically change their lifestyles while living the Al Gore high life. Glad to see someone took the time to look behind the curtain and see some true colors. The Real Al Gore

Nice to see that AOL has changed, they've gone from a company to a verb. They finally decided to open their doors and become a "free AOL". Although, we've all heard that one before. Interesting to see how the next few months play out. Can AOL become a threat to the likes of Yahoo! & Google? Time will tell, but thanks to a huge release of search results, their blunder, at least for the time being, has turned them into a verb.

This one is a riot - a kid is auctioning off 2% of his lifetime earnings for a minimum of $100,000 on eBay. He's asking someone to invest huge money so he won't have to go into debt for college. But then he'll write that individual a check every January for 2% of his W2. But don't worry, he's planning on making millions and millions of dollars, so this is a "great investment". I see a number of huge caveats, but I'll just point out 1 here. He's willing to share everything EXCEPT any of his inheritance. Big problem here, kid gets out of college, receives his inheritance that was contingent upon, hmm, graduating for college? Now he's got some serious bucks in the bank, and no motivation to work. So, I obviously recommend steering clear of flushing your money down this toilet, but it's a pretty funny posting to see on eBay.

On a generally slow news day, you have to like an article like this one. You know we've all wanted to be this guy. You run a red light, or speed, and you see that blasted FLASH. Boom. You're caught red-handed, and know you can expect a ticket in the mail. BUT, what if there was something you could do, what if this camera stored that photo until someone came to get it? Well, that must be what this guy was thinking, as he figured blowing up the dang thing would solve everything. He's now in custody, but I say "hooray" for someone trying to stick it to the man :-). Problem is, it's taxpayers have to pay for the new cameras. Government agencies are the real Catch 22.

Finally, today's video is of a car joy riding in the metro, crazy Germans. Funny to watch the people react


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