The Pent: Top Daily Must-Read Headlines

Friday, August 18, 2006

Do you Google, or do you Search!?!

AOL's famous release of all the search data has proved something loud and clear. Either people think you can only do a web search on Google, or they don't realize that Yahoo, MSN, & others also have search engines that work just fine. Even AOL has a decent search engine (because it's run by Google). But the fact of the matter, for all the search terms people use, top 10 week in & week out is Google. People are using a search engine to find a search engine. Is Google really that much better, or do people just think that to search the internet for something, they have to "Google" it? I'm betting it's the latter

Here's few dozen reasons why I'll never work for Microsoft. Oh yeah, AND because I don't want to.

If you want to know why that flight got diverted from London to DC, and ended up in Boston, here's the scoop. Crazy lady.

Real rich, Senator Hatch. In his last soundbite, the senator puts the democrats & the terrorists on the same side. A bit much even for Senator Hatch, although he doesn't "recall" making the statement. Of course not, that's what you say when you make a mistake & it comes back to bite you.

Video of the day is appalling, it's a bunch of cops shooting rubber bullets at harmless protesters. Looks like they're just taking target practice at helpless civilians, then they cheer about like they just scored a touchdown. Some people get pretty jacked too, they were shooting at their heads!!! I thought it was something like "protectors of the peace" not "8th grade bullies"

Okay, and if you're just looking for something fun


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