The Pent: Top Daily Must-Read Headlines

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Taking away recess, it's for the kids?

Schools have been cutting recess for years, and now a quarter of our elementary schools allow for only 15 min of recess a day! I used to get an hour and that was barely enough. Let's focus on quality time in the classroom, not quantity - Let them play! Full Story

"The most compelling part is being able to really focus on features and functionality. . . " A quote from Chad & Steve, the founders of YouTube talking about the Google acquisition. Let's call out the elephant in the room fellas, the most compelling part is 1.65 billion dollars for a company running at a loss! Full Story

This almost isn't news anymore - Saddam expelled from court once again. Although today's twist is that co-defendant Hussein Rashid al-Tikrititook landed a punch on a court bailiff to earn his exit from the courtroom. Full Story

Now that North Korea is acting up, it's time for our government to move into action - and start pointing fingers as to who's the guilty party in foreign policy failures. Full Story

Video of a gun that can shoot 1,000,000 rounds per minute. Is this supposed to help our foreign policy issues, or just help me sleep better at night. . . Watch Video

Call anywhere in the world for free! I don't know if this works, but I'm all for lowering my international phone rates :-) Full Story

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